10: DIGESTIVE DYSFUNCTION – Brain, Mouth, Stomach, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Small Intestine, Large Intestine

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Welcome to The Nutritional Pearls Podcast! Focusing on topics that include digestion, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, supplementation, electrolytes, stomach acid, and so much more, “The Nutritional Pearls Podcast” features Christine Moore, NTP and is hosted by Jimmy Moore, host of the longest running nutritional podcast on the Internet.  Sharing nuggets of wisdom from Christine’s training as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Jimmy’s years of podcasting and authoring international bestselling health and nutrition books, they will feature a new topic of interest and fascination in the world of nutritional health each Monday. Listen in today as Christine and Jimmy talk all about carbohydrates in Episode 9.


Here’s what Christine and Jimmy talked about in Episode 10:

– 1. Review of Digestion
–– A. Digestion happens north to south
–– B. Proper stomach pH is supposed to be between 1.5 and 3
–– C. Zinc and B6 are needed to produce stomach acid
– 2. Dysfunction in digestive process
–– A. Dysfunction in the brain: Sympathetic State—doing other activities or being stressed while eating
–– B. Dysfunction in the mouth: Not chewing food thoroughly (for about 30 seconds); signal not
received from the brain to have the mouth release salivary amylase.
–– C. Dysfunction in the stomach: Not having enough stomach acid. 90% of Americans don’t
produce enough stomach acid (Jonathon Wright, MD came up with this using the Heidelberg
Gastrotelemetry equipment to check the stomach pH on thousands of patients AND
Dr. George Goodhart, a chiropractor, came to the same conclusion using kinesiological and
functional assessment).
––– 1. Food, especially protein doesn’t get broken down
––– 2. Allows foreign invaders to pass through to the rest of the digesting system. Helicobacter (H)
Pylori (stomach ulcers caused by bacteria) happens because of inadequate stomach acid
––– 3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) actually happens because of too little stomach acid.
Poorly digested foods cause a back-up in the esophagus oftentimes because the cardiac
sphincter is weak. Since the acid content is higher in the stomach, the back flow burns the
––– 4. If stomach pH is not right, the pyloric sphincter won’t release the stomach contents into
the duodenum

Remember: Carbs ferment, proteins putrefy and fats rancidify

–– D. Dysfunction in the Pancreas: If pH of chime (digested food) is not correct, Secretin won’t be
released to trigger the pancreatic juices needed to further break down food.
–– E. Dysfunction in the Gallbladder: If pH of chime is not correct, then CCK won’t be released to
trigger bile to digest the fats we eat.
–– F. Dysfunction in the small intestine: Undigested foods will cause gut flora to become
imbalanced and it will also cause irritation to the intestinal lining causing increased
permeability leading to Leaky Gut and therefore, autoimmune conditions.
–– G. Dysfunction in the large intestine: Undigested food can clog the ileocecal valve (valve leading
from the small intestine to the large intestine) Undigested food can cause inflammation
leading to colitis, irritable bowl syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease

Nutritional Pearls For Episode 10:
1. Being in a parasympathetic state when eating is very important .
2. Proper stomach acid is imperative.


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